Ok, great. I was able to create a .jpa that I have now downloaded. If I understand correctly, next step is to move that file into the root of WAMP, then start Wamp?Ignore it.
A few questions:
1. in Xampp, the root folder is htdocs. Root of Wamp is "www" correct?
2. Once in the root, do I just add the .jpa file there, or should I create a folder and store the file in there? If so, do I need to name that folder exactly the same as the folder name of my original project?
3. I extracted the kickstart.php from kickstart-core-8.0.4. This is the file I need to put in the same folder as my .jpa file, right?
Statistics: Posted by SocketPup — Tue Apr 23, 2024 3:24 pm